Vacorp - We help your company to become more productive, competitive and cost-effective.
Ofrecemos diversos sistemas desarrollados y configurables para su empresa.
Permitanos atender las necesidades tecnológicas de su empresa
Todos nuestros productos y servicios tienen la garantía y sello de Vacorp con matenimiento y servicio permanente.

We are an IT company with over 11 years in the market. We offer products and services to suit your needs.


Oil and gas company.

With the support of Vacorp PDVSA, Fortune Global 500 oil and gas company, manages their video library.

Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt

Higher Education.

Since 2010 UAH uses SICE to systematize its duties in the registrar office.

Universidad de la Artes UNEARTE

Higher Education.

In record time UNEARTE automates their enrollment, faculty and student management.

Floristeria Guacaipuro


Guacaipuro increased their sales using Vacorp's direct marketing service (SEMCEL).